Junior Project Manager

at Memories Not Dreams
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About the job
£23000 - £25000  ONSITE    Highcliffe, Dorset, England
Open to new applications
Full-Time ~ Permanent

2 job requirements

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1 years of Project Management functional experience Must Have  
Total of 1 years of Project Manager experience Must Have  

This Opportunity in One Sentence

If you are insanely ambitious, hungry for success, and believe everything is figure-out-able then working for our group of start-ups as a JPM could skyrocket your career.

This Opportunity in One Minute

Working as a Junior Project Manager for us gives you almost unlimited opportunity to move the needle for our group of start-ups. You’ll be exposed to multiple businesses, work alongside directors and use your problem-solving skills to have a significant impact on our growth. If you relish a challenge and want to learn everything you can about business - this role is for you.

About The Role

As a Junior Project Manager you’ll be responsible for creating tech solutions and solving business problems across multiple platforms and startups.You’ll work with designers, software developers and others to prototype, test and improve ideas, rapidly iterating to launch new products and features, as well as creating content and executing marketing campaigns.

We have a two-way recruitment process, where we’ll send you detailed information about us and the job role once you have applied. For now, here are the most important facts:

Who We Are

We are a privately owned investment company based in Christchurch. We have a record of building multiple £10million+ startups from scratch across the last fifteen years.

At the moment our key investments are in Careers, Digital Marketing, Mergers / Acquisitions, M&A Brokerage and Property.

We work fast, work smart and fail quickly to make big things happen with small teams of people, who are quickly rewarded if they can achieve success for us. (It’s worth noting that in the past, people who have started in roles like this one have gone on to be shareholders of £multi-million companies).

Who You Are

The main thing that we are looking for is someone who will grab every opportunity with both hands, learn quickly and attack every challenge that is placed in front of them. We value this a lot more than your past achievements or experience.

You’ll need to be a “start-up person” - interested in starting / growing businesses, developing yourself and achieving great things.Being versatile, tenacious, detail oriented and a good communicator will help you in this role. A passion for technology, design, careers, digital marketing, content creation are all a great plus.


Memories Not Dreams



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Team inkscroll - 0 days ago

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