Band 8B - Head of Health, Safety, Fire and Security - Bath

at Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust  
National Health Service (UK)
About the job
£62215 - £72293ONSITEBath, Somerset, EnglandFull-Time ~ Permanent
Open to new applications

To provide management support and leadership to the health and safety team, ensuring that there are clear lines of accountability, and that the structure, roles and responsibilities of the team support the delivery of health and safety services to the Trust. To line manage direct reports, including management of performance, conduct and sickness issues in line with Trust policies and procedures. To ensure all staff have annual appraisals with clear objectives and suitable personal development plans, which support the delivery of Trust and HR objectives through the delivery of health and safety activities. To ensure team attendance at relevant mandatory training, and oversee identification of staff development needs, including any essential to role training or development.

Establish and maintain suitable links with regulatory and other bodies and professional peers, such as HSE, Secure, NHS Project, NHS Litigation Authority, IOSH, etc. To promote health at work. To work in a range of clinical and non-clinical environments, including occasional work outdoors when undertaking investigations and/or health and safety inspection. Responsibilities for People or Training This post holder has strategic responsibility for the Health & Safety, Fire & Security Department.

This post holder will be responsible for strategic line management of the following staff: Fire Safety Advisor who has operational responsibility for all aspects of compliance to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) order and other relevant legislation and standards relating to fire safety Health & Safety Manager who is required to provide day to day operational management of the Health and Safety Team, give operational advice, carryout inspections and deliver H&S training Local Security Management Specialist who is required to carry out set work to comply with Secretary of States Directions and subsequent standards This post holder will be responsible for the selection, recruitment, training, development, and welfare and disciplining of staff in accordance with agreed Trust policies and departmental procedures. Shall maintain appropriate staff records, set individual objectives and personal development plans as part of an annual appraisal system. To plan, facilitate and deliver specialist Health & Safety, Fire and Security training, new starter inductions and development programmes in conjunction with The Trust Training Academy.


Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust



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