Project Finance - Relationship Manager/execution
Michael Page
Recruitment Agency
Staffing and Recruitment
About the job
London, England
Open to new applications
Full-Time ~ Permanent
- Leading International Corporate and Investment Bank with vast client base
- High deal flow, growing team with excellent progression
About Our Client
City of London based International Corporate Bank
Project Finance - Relationship Manager/Execution
- The primary role of the RM is to work with Team Head to market and bring on board qualifying business opportunities in infrastructure and project finance to the bank. The RM will act as the first contact of the bank in building clients’ relationship, participating syndicated loan, underwriting transactions, negotiating terms with counterparties and etc.
- Assisting Team Head for the marketing, client meeting, preparing pitches, presentations, etc. as required.
- Preparing credit application, including customer credit risk analysis, business risk analysis, financial modelling, financial risk analysis, project valuation analysis and etc., to present to UK and HO credit committee.
- Projects monitoring, reporting, quarterly review, annual review, financial covenants review, waiver request processing and post loan monitoring.
- The key goal of the structured finance team is to ensure that the bank is able to develop client relationships whilst managing credit risk and meeting regulatory requirements. They do this by working closing with risk, legal, compliance and relevant departments for risk analysis, KYC, loan documentation preparation and etc.
- Maintaining a keen interests and awareness of market trends in international business including trends and events in the UK and international infrastructure and M&A markets.
The Successful Applicant
Financial Services
- Applicants should have a minimum of 3 years of experience in banking or related finance industry.
- Good understanding of Infrastructure and Project finance, especially sector knowledge of oil, gas, power, property and renewables. (M&A and real estate also desirable but not essential)
- Good ability to understand of complex financing structures and loan documentation.
- Knowledge of UK and international infrastructure and real estate markets.
- Ability to build effective working relationships with individuals, organisations and clients, whilst working under pressure, across multiple projects and to tight deadlines.
What’s on Offer
Project Finance - Relationship Manager/Execution
Leading International Corporate and Investment Bank with vast client base
High deal flow, growing team with excellent progression
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Michael Page
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Team inkscroll - 0 days ago
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