Technical Author
Recruitment Agency
About the job
ONSITE Corsham, Wiltshire, England
Open to new applications
Full-Time ~ Contract
Contract Length: 12 months
Location: Corsham - 3 days/week on site with some travel to Henlow
Key R esponsibilities :
- Produce two Voice & Video (V&V) Service Design Packs (SDPs).
- Develop the ITIL3 aligned SDP for V&V Services.
- Produce the ‘as built’ Solution Specification for the Operational V&V systems.
- Produce the Voice & Video Product Roadmap(s) for the V&V Product Owner.
- Develop the System Knowledge Articles (KAs), Work Instructions (Wis) and User Guides (UGs) for a small V&V Service.
Essential Experience:
- Experience of working within teams that have managed Strategic Networks and Bearer Services.
- Experience & Understanding of the difference between ‘Legacy’ and ‘New’ systems and the challenges this presents during transition, particularly for highly secure systems.
- Ability to work with others in a high pressure and conflicting priorities environment.
- Ability to work in a complex environment where Security conditions and controls can be difficult to navigate.
- Previous experience of developing systems, solutions or services that form a key element of a larger system or capability.
- V&V experience would be an advantage but not essential.
- Desirable - MOD Background and understanding of processes.
- Identify and compare the best processes or delivery methods to use, including measuring and evaluating outcomes.
- Knowledge of when to use a specific prototyping technique or method.
- Direct the strategic approach for stakeholder relationships, establishing and promoting the meeting of stakeholder objectives.
- Lead the design and implementation of strategy, directing the evaluation of strategies and policies.
- Knowledge of the technologies used to build and operate digital services. Give direction on which tools or methods to use.
- Experience with creating and iterating content across multiple channels.
- Take a user-centred approach to make complicated technical concepts easier to understand for a specialist audience.
- Focus on specialist content and software documentation, and write for technologists such as developers, technical architects, and technology leaders.
- Direct a team of technical writers and assure the quality of technical writing across teams and the alignment to strategy.
- Standardise tools and ways of communicating along with processes.
- Work closely with service managers, technology leaders and senior stakeholders to resource teams and resolve problems whilst promoting the discipline of technical writing.
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Team inkscroll - 0 days ago
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