2025 - EMEA - London - Risk - New Analyst

at Goldman Sachs  
Financial Services
Investment Management
Investment Banking
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About the job
London, England
Open to new applications
Full-Time ~ Permanent


bout the program O

ur New Analyst Program is a full-time program for final year undergraduate and graduate students. As a new analyst, you will learn about our businesses, develop important relationships, and build career-enhancing skills. A

s a participant, you will: L

  • earn about the firm and how we do business G
  • ain the skills and knowledge necessary to support our businesses H
  • ave unlimited access to the training and guidance to help you prepare for the next level B
  • uild your professional network and interact with colleagues across the firm S

ubmitting Your Application E

  • ach applicant has the opportunity to apply to up to 4 separate business / location combinations in any given recruiting year. Any additional application will be auto withdrawn. In order to apply to an additional opportunity, you must withdraw a current application that has not been turned down. A
  • single applicant should not create multiple email addresses to apply to additional opportunities


bout the division R

isk aims to effectively identify, monitor, evaluate and manage the firm’s financial and non-financial risks in support of the firm’s strategic plan. O

ur Risk division develops comprehensive processes to monitor, assess and manage the risk of expected and unexpected events that may have an adverse impact on the firm. Risk teams play a critical function for the firm, driving how the firm takes and manages risk. Risk professionals execute critical day-to-day risk management activities, lead projects and contribute to the ongoing advancement of a robust risk management program. Effective coordination with executive management, business units, control departments and technology is critical for success. W


Goldman Sachs



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Team inkscroll - 0 days ago

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