
Site Reliability Engineer - field Operations
Location London, England
Salary range
Talent Pools by Score
Maximum Possible Score
Score Current Preview
10 0 0
9 0 0
8 0 0
7 0 0
6 0 0
5 0 0
4 0 0
3 0 0
2 83 83
1 0 0
Distance Range Number of Candidates
Exact 6
within 10 miles 2
within 15 miles 2
within 30 miles 5
within 40 miles 2
within 50 miles 8
50+ miles 11
Unknown 47
Job description, Inc. (NYSE:AI) is a leading Enterprise AI software provider for accelerating digital transformation. The proven C3 AI Platform provides comprehensive services to build enterprise-scale AI applications more efficiently and cost-effectively than alternative approaches. The C3 AI Platform supports the value chain in any industry with prebuilt, configurable, high-value AI applications for reliability, fraud detection, sensor network health, supply network optimization, energy management, anti-money laundering, and customer engagement. Learn more at: C3 AI

C3 AI is seeking a Site Reliability Engineer to join our team in London, England.

Responsibilities :

  • Work with customers to design and implement customized installations of the C3 AI Platform that meet unique access and security requirements
  • Maximize system uptime and availability, ensuring functional and performance SLAs
  • Establish end-to-end monitoring and alerting on all critical aspects
  • Solve complex problems for critical services and build automation to prevent problem recurrence
  • Initiate and lead scripting and automation to streamline system updates and upgrades
  • Set up critical infrastructure, tools, and framework to streamline the deployment cycle
  • Work cross-functionally with Services and Engineering teams


  • Bachelor’s degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM), or comparable area of study
  • Demonstrated experience in deploying, managing, and operating scalable and fault-tolerant Kubernetes-based infrastructure in AWS, GCP, and other public clouds
  • Expertise in Linux Operating Systems, Networking, and Database concepts
  • Expertise in cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services, Azure, and GCP
  • Experience with Infrastructure-as-Code configurations such as Terraform, Ansible, or Puppet
  • Experience in Ruby, Bash, or Python; to automate and monitor systems
  • Excellent problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills
  • Experience supporting as a DevOps or sys admin for commercial SaaS solutions. Customer facing experience is a plus.

C3 AI provides a competitive compensation package and excellent benefits.